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Goal Setting Avatar

Welcome to GoalSettingAvatar... SAT Business Consulting's coaching services focused on the Proctor Gallagher Institute's Thinking Into Results (TIR) program. As a certified PGI / TRI consultant, Mr. Taylor strongly recommends that his clients work one-on-one with him before spending another minute on their personal, professional or business related goals and strategies. If someone doesn't understand herself or himself, their goals and strategies are typically built upon weak foundations. Mr. Taylor can teach this program locally, nationally and internationally. Finally, the video below, "The Terror Barrier", is an example of one of twelve lessons. Caution: This video was written, video taped and produced by Mr. Taylor in his home office. It's definitely not perfect :). Please contact Mr. Taylor for more information.

The lessons covered in the TIR program include:


  1. A Worthy Ideal     

  2. The Knowing-Doing Gap

  3. Your Infinite Mind

  4. The Secret Genie

  5. Thinking Into Results

  6. Environment Is But Our Looking Glass

  7. Trample The Terror Barrier

  8. The Power of Praxis

  9. The Magic Word

  10. The Most Valuable Person

  11. Leaving Everyone With The Impression of Increase

  12. Magnifying The Mind

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